Online payday loans are not only quick and convenient – they are also completely confidential. The simple, secure process of obtaining a payday loan is carried out entirely online. This means you don’t have to go out to an office or bank to apply or to receive your cash advance. Faxing or sending paperwork by post are not involved either. Taking out an online payday loan allows you to maintain your privacy.

You’re also assured to receive your money fast. Apply in minutes, get an approval decision in seconds and then get your cash within hours. Online payday loans are deposited directly into your bank account. You don’t have to wait to receive a cheque in the post, eliminating the risk of your loan being lost or stolen.

What’s more is that online payday loans eliminate any paper trail. Paperwork for other types of loans contains personal details that can easily fall into the hands of criminals and fraudsters. This can make you vulnerable to identity fraud, which is very serious problem in the UK. According to
MSN Money UK, new figures have shown that the number of Brits affected by ID fraud increased almost 23% in the first quarter of 2010.

Faxing or sending documents in the post opens a window of opportunity for identity fraud to occur. If fraudsters get hold of your information, they can take over your accounts and open new accounts in your name. Once identity fraud happens, it can take significant time and money to fix the problem. For this reason, getting an online payday loan is much safer than other payday lending alternatives.

As an average Briton, James Brennan understand the ups and downs of daily life, especially when it comes to money. That's why I'm a contributing writer for the Make Today Payday - James hopes to help people by sharing his triumphs and struggles with managing money.